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Regulations relating to the Use of the Library
  1. The use of University library shall be open to the members of the following categories after applying for the membership on the prescribed form:
    1. Members of the University Teaching Staff
    2. Fellows and Research scholars
    3. Junior Research Assistants, Senior Research Assistant and students on the roll of the university
    4. Officers of the University
    5. Others employees of the University
  2. Members of the library shall be entitled to borrow books from the library except those books, which are especially mentioned in rule below.

  3. Borrowers card shall be issued to every member, on presentation of which, book will be issued to him from the library. This card shall not be transferable and should be surrendered at the time of obtaining a clearance certificate. A sum of Rs.50/- shall be charged for the loss of card.

  4. Books may be issued to members of various categories as under:

  5. Members of Category A 15 books for a period of one semester*
    Members of Category B 6 books for a period of one month
    Members of Category C 5 books for a period of two weeks 2 books for PGD students
    Members of Category D 4 books for a period of two weeks with the permission of the Chairman/Head of the department /section concerned.
    Members of Category E 2 books for a period of two weeks with the permission of the Chairman/Head of the department /section concerned.

  6. Books once borrowed may be reissued with the permission of the Librarian provided they are not required by another member.

  7. In case a book is urgently required, the Librarian may recall it at a short notice any time and such a book shall be returned immediately by the borrowers.

  8. Books and other material of the following description shall not be issued to borrowers but may be consulted in the library during working hours with the permission of the Librarian.
    1. Reference books like Encyclopedia, Dictionaries, Almanacs, reports, dissertations (theses) and other reference material.
    2. Reserved books.
    3. Books banned by Central or Provincial Government
    4. Rare books and protected documents
    5. Microfilms, Autographs, tape-records
    6. Periodicals
    7. Any other material at the discretion of the Librarian
  9. If any book is damaged or mutilated during the period of load or is lost by the borrower, he shall replace it or pay the cost as assessed by the Librarian under the guide lines mentioned below.
    1. In case of loss of books and journals, the payment will be charged at double of the cost (assuming current conversion rate) of the items.
    2. In case of donated material, thesis, reports, etc., the Librarian will assess the cost/value of the material.
    3. However, preference will be given to replace the material.
  10. The Librarian from time to time with the approval of the Vice Chancellor shall prescribe the library material.

  11. The library shall be closed during August for 15 days for stock taking. All borrowers shall return the books for the purpose at a weeks notice and issue of books shall remain suspended during the period.

  12. Members of the library shall deposit their umbrella, sticks, bags, combustible material and other articles in the cloak room provided for the purpose in the entrance hall. All books issued to them shall be shown to the receptionist at the entrance before leaving.

  13. Eating, sleeping, smoking and audible conversation within the library premises shall be prohibited.

  14. Books borrowed from the library are not-transferable and shall be returned to the library on or before the last dated stamped o the date-label. A fine of Rs.1/- per book per day will be charged up to two weeks. From the third week, a fine of Rs.5/- will be charged from the borrower.

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